What if I told you that we had an in-built system that we can use at any given moment to hack into our nervous system?
What if you learnt and understood what breathing can do to enhance your everyday life?

We´ve all heard someone telling us “to breathe” when we´ve felt anxious, overwhelmed or hyperactivated; but what does “to breathe” actually mean? In this workshop we are going to take the time to understand how our breath affects our physiological and mental states, and how we can use the breath to change our internal mood.

Combining theory and practice throughout our morning together, the goal will be for you to leave with enough knowledge that will encourage you to try a different approach when life gets overwhelming.

WHERE? At SINEWS, Sagasta 16, 28004 Madrid
If you have any questions please call 91 700 1979

Schedule: From 10:30 AM to 13:30 PM

Price: 150 EUROS (VAT included)

Language: English

You only need to bring some comfortable clothes and the willingness to explore your own breath with a group of like minded people.

Andrea Moreno
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Andrea Moreno
Adults and adolescents
Languages: English and Spanish
See Resumé