Division of Medicine
Languages: English and Spanish
- MD Degree Universidad de Valladolid.
- Psychiatrist specialist.
Alicia always considered Medicine as her second love; her first one, without a doubt, were books, which she saw as an opportunity to discover new worlds, people, and lives. Along the road she also realized that mastering English meant a huge expansion of possibilities and could be the icing on the cake on her future ahead.
She studied Medicine in Valladolid and during the summers of those years and thanks to the International Students Exchange Program, she had the chance to appreciate the practice of Medicine in other countries: Zagazig (Egypt), Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, USA) and Torino (Italy). With this, Alicia was also able to become aware of cultural differences and the fact that, despite everything background and life experiences, all patients have the same needs.
After passing the MIR exam with flying colors, Psychiatry was her choice in the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, where the great volume of population and the excellent medical services assured a wide range of challenges and training to become a general psychiatrist. Alicia dedicated her special training to neuropsychiatry in the city of London at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, where she acquired experience in the treatment of the psychiatric consequences of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, among others.
When she finished the specialty training her first job took her to Complejo Asistencial Bennito Menni of Hermanas Hospitalarias in Ciempozuelos (Madrid) which allowed her to get a fuller picture of Psychiatry (chronic patients, institutionalized for schizophrenia, learning disabilities, autism and more). Later on, she became a member of the nascent Brain Damage Unit Hospital Beata M.ª Ana, a landmark centre for the treatment of stroke and traumatic brain injuries. It was then when she really understood how relevant the psychiatric care is, specially of the patients suffering from the devastating consequences and side effects of their conditions.
Her work in Hospital Fremap de Majadahonda from 2008 to 2022 was dedicated to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders secondary to traumatological and medical diseases considered work-related (severe traumatic injuries and brain damage), as well as chronic pain (complex regional pain syndrome, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain and others) and the psychiatric disorders exclusively work-related (particularly post-traumatic stress disorder). The treatment of patients with disabilities requires to tame your gaze to be able to grasp the person as a whole, paying attention not only to their
difficulties, but also to their strengths and with the aim of enhancing them, always keeping the person in sight.
After a family relocation, she went to Alicante, where she was part of the Public Health System (Centro de Salud Mental Altabix, Elche, and Santa Pola), and just like in her daily work in Frema, Alicia cared for patients suffering from the most frequent mental disorders: anxiety, depression, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder. She repeatedly asserts that she likes taking patients off medication much better than putting them on medication, and using as less as possible, choosing the drug with the most appropriate profile for each individual patient.
In the last 12 years she has combined her clinical job with the translation from English to Spanish of medical texts for GEA editorial, which allows her to maintain her medical English updated as well as staying informed of the numerous advances in the field of Medicine.
To our Sinews team, Alicia brings a great deal of experience with patients who suffer from medical problems and neurological disorders, which allows to treat each person as a whole and offer them integral solutions from a humanist standpoint.
- 2009-2013. Specialist in Psychiatry by Clínica Universidad de Navarra, May 2013. Pamplona - Spain.
- 2006. Health Management degree by Universidad de La Sabana, December 2006. Chía - Colombia.
- 1999-2006. Medical doctor degree - Bachelor in Science by Universidad de La Sabana, December 2006. Chía - Colombia. Degree approved by the Spanish Education and Science Ministry on November 22nd 2007.
- June 2020 - Currently | Psychiatrist. Sinews MTI, Madrid - Spain.
- September 2015 - October 2020 | Psychiatrist. UMA (Unidad Médica Angloamericana), Madrid - Spain.
- September 2015 - October 2020 | Medical Advisor, Repatriation expert psychiatrist. Euro-Center Madrid, Madrid - Spain.
- May 2015 - September 2020 | Psychiatrist. ATAM Association (Association created by Telefónica for people with disabilities), Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid - Spain.
- September 2013 - May 2015 | Psychiatrist (Afdelingslæge). Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien, Region Nordjylland – Denmark.
- May 2009 - May 2013 | Resident. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Department, Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, Navarra - Spain.
- April 2008 - April 2009 | General Practitioner. Nursery home “El Balconcillo”, AMMA group. Guadalajara, Castilla la Mancha – Spain.
- February 2008 - April 2009 | General Practitioner in primary care and emergency room. Clínica Dr. Sanz Vázquez, Guadalajara – Spain.
- March 2007 - November 2007 | General Practitioner at the intermediate care unit. Atención Médica Especializada. Bogotá D. C. – Colombia.
- February 2007 - October 2007 | General Practitioner in primary care and emergency room. Hospital Centro Oriente II Nivel, E. S. E. Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá, D. C. Bogotá D. C. – Colombia.
- February 2006 - May 2006 | Observer. Division of Translational Neuroscience Research in Schizophrenia at the University of Texas Southwestern School of Medicine in the University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas, Texas - USA.
- Baquero Mahecha G. A. “Psychiatric patients also travel around the world: What we should know to help them travel safely” 19th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon – Portugal, August 21th - 24th, 2019.
- Viteri G., Garin A. Slon P., Etxano Cantera J., Baquero G. A., Pla J., Domínguez P., Zubieta J. L., García-Eulate R. “Depression in elderly: a DTI study of white matter abnormalities with two control groups” at the European Congress of Radiology, Vienna – Austria, march 7th to 11th, 2013.
- Caicedo C., Baquero G. A., Prieto E., Ortuño F., Arbizu J., Pla-Vidal J. “Prevention of late-life depression: a 18FDG PET study” during the XII Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP) shared with the Spanish Society of Psychogeriatrics XIX Annual Meeting (SEPG), held in Seville – Spain, october 24th to 27th, 2012.
- Póster: Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin J. J., Garin A., Borro D., García-Eulate M. R., Pla-Vidal J. “Prevention of depression in elderly: factors in clinical research.” during the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), held in Washington, D. C. - USA, march 16th to 19th, 2012.
- Pla-Vidal J., Garin Muga A., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin Méndez J. J., Suárez López P., Sánchez Ostiz Gutierrez R. “Prevención de la depresión en ancianos: estudio de factores clínicos”, en el 54 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela – España, del 6 al 8 de junio de 2012.
- Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin J. J., Molero P., Corte P., Gómez J. A., Cózar G., Pla J. “Implicación pronostica del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes geriátricos que ingresan en una unidad psiquiátrica de agudos”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
- Gómez J. A., Cano A., Martín R., Lahortiga F., Cózar G., Baquero Mahecha A. “Aspectos relacionados con la eficacia del tratamiento en las disfunciones conyugales”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
- Cózar G., Cano A., Gómez J. A., Baquero G. A. “¿Influye en el número de reingresos el tratamiento inicial de los trastornos afectivos psicóticos?”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
- Marin Méndez J. J., Baquero Mahecha A., Molero Santos P., Corte de Paz P., Cózar Santiago G., Pla-Vidal J. “Estudio del deterioro cognitivo previo como posible mediador fisiopatológico de la asociación entre los trastornos afectivos y la evolución a demencia”, en la XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría, celebrada en Madrid – España del 6 al 8 de octubre de 2011.
- Cózar Santiago G., Cano A., Baquero A., Dívar M., Lacunza C., “Intentos autolíticos en urgencias. ¿Lo hacemos bien?”, en Encuentros en Psiquiatría, celebrada en Sevilla – España del 1 al 2 de abril de 2011.
- Cozár G, Cano Prous A., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Yurrita Montesinos S., Baquero Mahecha G. A. “Diagnóstico de trastorno mental en una muestra de universitarios” en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Barcelona – España, del 18 al 23 de Octubre de 2010.
- Baquero GA, Molero P, Pla J, Ortuño F. “A schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder secondary to an arachnoid cyst remitted with neurosurgical treatment of the cyst”. Open Neuroimag J. 2014; 8: 1–4. Publicado online Feb 21, 2014. doi: 10.2174/1874440001408010001.
- Baquero Mahecha G. A., Pla Vidal J. Libro: Psicogeriatría, una visión integral del envejecimiento humano, capitulo: “Terapia Electro convulsiva en Ancianos”. ISBN: 978-958-99242-3-5
- Dívar Conde M., Laspra Solís C., Cozár Santiago G., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Por qué callas”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
- Cozár Santiago G., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Dívar Conde M., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Mente fuerte, músculo débil”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
- Baquero Mahecha G. A., Cozár Santiago G., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Dívar Conde M., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Persecución con causa”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
- Gómez Sánchez J. A., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Cozár Santiago G., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Pensar antes que actuar”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
- Baquero Mahecha G. A., Dívar Conde M. Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 13, caso “Corazón, corazón”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-640-9, ISSN: 1699-4639.
- Tutoring of Medical School Students’ at Aalborg Universitetshospital on Psychiatry. April 2014 – April 2015.
- Tutoring of Psychiatry residents at Aalborg Universitetshospital. April 2014 – April 2015.
- Teaching and tutoring of Psychiatry to 5th year Medical School Students’ at Universidad de Navarra. May 2009 – May 2013.
- Seminary of psychotic disorders, depressive disorders, anorexia and bulimia in the subject of Clinical Practice III. 2010 - 2011 and 2011 and 2012 academic years of Medical School at Universidad de Navarra.
- Preparation and Skills Development Objective Structured Test (ECOE) of 5th and 6th year of Medicine School at Universidad de Navarra.
Alicia's posts:
All about SSRI antidepressants (practically)
Alicia Fraile Martín