Laura Redondo
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Laura Redondo
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
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Laura Redondo
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Laura Redondo
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Francisco de Vitoria University : 2021 - 2023.
  • Master's Degree in Neuropsychology. University of Salamanca | 2020 - 2021.
  • Degree in Psychology. Autonoma University of Madrid | 2016 - 2020.

Laura comes from a large and diverse family. Since she was a child, she has shared long periods with them, living with up to four generations together under the same roof during summers in the village. From her personal perspective, this experience has been the greatest influence on her interest in people. Also it has given her the opportunity to develop fundamental skills for a therapist from an early age, such as active listening, communication, negotiation, understanding and non-judgment.

She owes her fascination with English to her half-Australian aunt, who has been her main mentor and guide in the language, communicating with her in English from a very young age. Later, driven by her own fascination, she began a more formal learning of the language. Her summers in Brighton and London allowed her to immerse herself in British culture and meet students from all over the world. She retains friendships from a variety of countries and takes every opportunity to explore a new culture as soon as she has an opportunity.

She studied Psychology at Autonoma University of Madrid and completed her internship at  Complejo Asistencial Benito Menni, where she had the opportunity to work with people with intellectual disabilities and severe behavioral disorders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she completed her internship as a team coordinator in Acercando Vidas project ( emocional and social support for the elderly) and as a psychologist in Educamos Contigo, where she worked with children at risk of school failure. Within her responsibilities in Educamos Contigo were found: study techniques, planning  or time management. Although not initially in her plans, this unexpected situation gave her the opportunity to develop alternative skills, such as leadership, team management and connecting with people through screens, a skill especially relevant in an environment where online sessions are increasingly common.

Her passion for gaining an in-depth understanding of how the brain works led her to study a Master’s degree in Neuropsychology at Salamanca University. During her internship at the Intras Foundation in Zamora, she came into contact with people with dementia and acquired brain damage (due to strokes, hemorrhages or accidents) and learned to design materials to work on working memory, processing speed or executive functions, in order to recover the daily functioning of patients. She took away two main lessons: (1) the importance of psychological support for caregivers of dependent patients and (2) the incredible potential for readaptation and resilience of the brain and the human being. 

Finally, upon returning to her hometown, she took a Master’s degree in General Health Psychology at the Francisco Vitoria University with a humanistic approach, which allowed her to complement her cognitive-behavioral training and introduce into her work methodology techniques that can be more effective in problems such as grief, relationship difficulties or emotional management of the disease situation (cancer, chronic health problems).

During the year and a half that her internship at APAI Psychology Office lasted, and given that it is a center that serves all types of population and all ages, she developed the ability to adapt case by case, as well as the ability for research and self-taught learning. She was selected to stay on the team where she has been working with people with anxiety disorders, depressive symptomatology, bereavement, behavioral disorders and has diagnosed and treated specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia or TANV, among others) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents. 

Laura has so many interests within the field of psychology that she never stops studying. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Third Generation Therapies at the International University of La Rioja with training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness.

As a therapist, she defines herself as warm, approachable, committed and non-judgmental. However, she considers that the true way to describe her is how each of her patients sees her.

At the same time, and accompanying her in each of her vital stages, Laura has been a federated sportswoman. So many years in the world of sports have given her both, the value of commitment, and the knowledge of the great challenges faced by an elite athlete, in their day-to-day life and in competition.

Meet Laura:

Laura's posts:

  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Francisco de Vitoria University : 2021 - 2023
  • Master's Degree in Neuropsychology. University of Salamanca | 2020 - 2021
  • Degree in Psychology. Autonoma University of Madrid | 2016 - 2020
  • Psychology Office A.P.A.I.: neuropsychological evaluations, neuropsychological reports, clinical evaluation and intervention (1 year)
  • Mente Azul Foundation in cooperation with a sports organization.
  • ALADINA Foundation in cooperation with a sports organization.
  • Coordinator in Acercando Vidas project – UAM
  • Psychopedagogical counseling with Educamos Contigo - UAM
  • Brain and Screens. María Couso - Play Fun Learning I 2023
  • Course on Psychological Intervention in Trauma. Elizabeth Clapés I 2023
  • Dyslexia: Diagnosis and Intervention. Integratek - University of Barcelona I 2023
  • The socioemotional environment in children and adolescents with ADHD. Integratek I 2023
  • Integral Approach to Suicidal Behavior. Psychologists Princess 81 | 2022
  • Principles of Affirmative Psychology in Sexual and Gender Diversity. Official College of Psychology of Madrid | 2020
  • Psychological First Aid. Autonomous University of Barcelona | 2020
  • Emotional Intelligence Course. Official College of Psychology of Madrid | 2019
  • Extraordinary Master Award - Master in Neuropsychology (USAL): best record of the promotion (2020-2021)